HACCP Certification is old-age and popular in UAE companies in the food supply chain. State municipalities are very hotly perusing and recommending food establishments for food safety system development and implementation. Dubai Municipality is very advanced in this regard; they also have a food watch program to monitor food establishments closely. It is mandatory for food companies in Dubai to be registered on Food Watch and follow the guidelines routinely mentioned on it.
Ensuring the provision of safe food products is of top importance in UAE. Implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles with the utmost commitment has become essential for food establishments. A HACCP certificate enhances food safety and compliance with international standards, enhancing customer confidence.
What is HACCP?
HACCP, "Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Point," is a guideline standard for food safety based on Codex Alimentarius. It has been widely known in the food safety sector for many decades.
Back in the early days of space exploration, when astronauts had to go up in space for longer periods of time, they were taking food in closed tins. Still, there was a high probability for the food to become unsafe because of microbes. So what if food becomes unusable to the astronauts during their stay in space away from the food source? The answer to that question was to make sure the food was prepared free from Physical, chemical, biological & other hazards with a preventive approach. Food safety experts were approached to find the structural changes and assurances in the food supply chain. Then, a codex was written, and the HACCP approach existed.
We know bacterial hazards are the most dangerous, as we can't see them, and their growth is exponential. This is a microbial hazard that affects the shelf life of food products. So that's why we had to be very careful about hygiene conditions and food contamination during the food preparation and delivery processes.
HACCP, the Basic Philosophy
In HACCP, the basic philosophy is to apply pre-requisite programs, identify all the food chain processes and study every step for Physical, chemical, biological, allergen or any other hazards. If any hazards are introduced at any step, that step becomes a critical control point. Suppose we are controlling the hazard in the following process, then it's okay. But there is no further step where we can control and eliminate the danger. In that case, that particular step becomes a critical control point (CCP) instead of a control point (CP). Each critical control point has limits that must be complied with, and records must be kept as compliance evidence.
Methodology for HACCP Consultancy Services
HACCP guideline implementation is based on seven principles,
- 1. Conduct Hazard Analysis
- 2. Identify CCP's
- 3. Establish critical limits for defined CCPs
- 4. Define monitoring of CCP's
- 5. Establish Corrective Actions
- 6. Establish procedures implementation as intended
- 7. Establish records as evidence
These seven HACCP principles are also the baseline for ISO 22000:2018, which is a comprehensive food safety management system by ISO. In fact, ISO 22000:2018 is a combination of HACCP and the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
Which one is better for your company in UAE, HACCP or ISO 22000:2018?
HACCP is a food safety system that prevents food safety from being compromised. At the same time, ISO 22000 is an international standard to guarantee the safety of the global food chain.
HACCP focuses purely on food safety, while ISO 22000 goes further. ISO 22000 also examines business processes and structures. Companies are converting their HACCP certification to ISO 22000 certification, as it is accepted at home and abroad and can be combined with other ISO standards to achieve optimum efficiency.
HACCP is a guideline based on Codex Alimentarius, which is auditable by Certification Bodies and issues Non-accredited certifications. Whereas ISO 22000:2018 is an internationally recognized ISO standard for Food Safety. It combines a Quality Management system with HACCP requirements. Certification bodies audit it, and globally recognized Accredited Certifications are issued by the Certification Bodies.
In simple words, ISO 22000:2018 is a Quality Management Standard for food companies.
HACCP is more prevalent in the food industry; more people are familiar with it. However, ISO 22000:2018 is a more complete standard overall and easy to integrate with other ISO standards because of its similar clause structure and common terminology. ISO 22000:2018 is a better option for food companies as it covers the requirements of HACCP, ISO 9001, and GMP. Its certifications are internationally recognized with the IAF Logo on the certificates.
If a food company opt to go for ISO 22000:2018 certification, then there is no need for HACCP, GMP or ISO 9001 accreditation as all are covered already in ISO 22000:2018
Benefits of HACCP Certification in UAE:
- Build trust with consumers that you produce safe food
- Enhancement of brand recognition as a marketing tool
- Continual improvement in the food safety system
- Better compliance with legal requirements
- Access to international markets with the trust gained from HACCP certification
- Improvement in streamlining operations
- Better control of business risks
- Better employee ownership
- Employee awareness & training
If your company fall in the food supply chain, being HACCP certified is a big plus for your brand recognition and internal food safety system improvement.
Food Sectors for HACCP Certification in UAE:
The following sectors or types of companies may opt to go for HACCP certification in the UAE,
- Farming of animals
- o Farming of animal form (Meat/Milk/Eggs/Honey etc.)
o Farming of Fish & Seafood
- Farming of Plants
- o Farming of plants
- o Farming of Grains and pulses
- Food Manufacturing of
- o Perishable animal products
- o Perishable plant products
- o Ambient stable products
Animal feed production (Feed/pet food)
- Catering companies
- Distribution companies
- Food transport and storage companies
- Food packaging companies
- Food equipment manufacturing companies
- Companies producing food-grade chemicals
In the UAE, HACCP certification is a regulatory requirement in most states and also serves as a fundamental step towards ensuring food safety, enhancing market competitiveness, and building consumer trust. UAE is the regional hub for business activities, and the authorities focus on providing safe food products and food safety systems in food establishments.
What is HACCP Certification and why do companies in the UAE need it?
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) certification is a system that helps keep food safe. It is important for companies in the UAE because it ensures the food they produce is safe to eat. HACCP Certified Companies gain trust from customers and meet legal requirements.
How much does HACCP Certification cost in the UAE?
In the UAE, there are differences in the cost of HACCP certification. The company's size and level of certification readiness are determining factors. To find out the precise cost for your business, it's preferable to obtain an estimate from a certifying organization.
What steps do companies in the UAE need to take to get a HACCP Certificate?
To get a HACCP Certificate, companies in the UAE need to:
- 1. Do a hazard analysis.
- 2. Identify critical control points.
- 3. Set up procedures to control these points.
- 4. Monitor the control points.
- 5. Take corrective actions if needed.
- 6. Verify that the system works.
- 7. Keep good records.
Consultants can help companies follow these steps and prepare for the HACCP Audit.
How can a company in the Dubai, Sharjah and UAE prepare for a HACCP Audit?
A business should ensure that all of its policies and documentation are up to date in order to get ready for a HACCP audit. Employees must to be knowledgeable and well-trained. Doing a mock audit is beneficial in order to identify any issues that need to be resolved before to the actual audit.
Why should companies in the UAE become HACCP Certified Companies?
Becoming HACCP Certified Companies helps businesses in the UAE show that their food is safe. It can open up new markets, build customer trust, and meet government rules. It also helps reduce the risk of food safety problems and recalls..