
EcoVadis Certification: Evaluating Sustainability in International Trade

The EcoVadis certification is not a traditional certification like ISO or other management system certifications. EcoVadis is a comprehensive platform that offers sustainability ratings for companies, evaluating their environmental, social, and ethical practices. The platform serves as a valuable tool for businesses to assess and improve their sustainability performance.

In today's world, where environmental concerns and social responsibility have become increasingly important, companies are under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. EcoVadis steps in to address this need by providing a standardized and reliable assessment framework.

EcoVadis platform utilizes a robust methodology to evaluate companies across various industries and geographies. It assesses their performance in key areas such as carbon emissions, waste management, resource consumption, labor and human rights, supply chain management, and business ethics. By analyzing these factors, EcoVadis generates a sustainability rating for each company, allowing for easy comparison and benchmarking.

EcoVadis information helps organizations to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance their overall sustainability performance.

EcoVadis also offers a collaborative platform that allows companies to engage with their suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.


EcoVadis assessment is done using a set of criteria grouped into four pillars/Themes.

Environment: This EcoVadis pillar evaluates a company's environmental impact, including energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and overall environmental management practices. Companies are assessed on their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint, adopt sustainable practices, and comply with environmental regulations.

Labor and Human Rights: This EcoVadis pillar assesses the company's treatment of employees and adherence to human rights standards. It includes labor practices, working conditions, fair wages, non-discrimination policies, and human rights protection in the supply chain.

Ethics: The ethics pillar assesses a company's commitment to ethical practices, anti-corruption measures, transparency, and fair competition.

Sustainable Procurement: This EcoVadis pillar evaluates a company's sustainability efforts in its supply chain, including procurement practices, supplier engagement, and supplier adherence to environmental and social standards.

EcoVadis assesses sustainability performance in various areas, helping companies compare and improve their practices. The aim is to promote sustainable and responsible operations and supply chains. You may be eligible for an EcoVadis medal by meeting specific criteria in your assessment. The 360 degree Watch feature in the EcoVadis assesses sustainability performance in various areas, helping companies compare and improve their practices. The aim is to promote sustainable and responsible operations and supply chains. You may be eligible for an EcoVadis medal by meeting specific criteria in your assessment. The 360 degree Watch feature in the EcoVadis Rating Methodology collects and analyzes stakeholder inputs to determine the most important information from the past five years. It uses artificial intelligence and human analysis to identify positive and negative stories from over100,000 public sources. It also incorporates data from the Global Regulatory Information Database (GRIDTM).

Criteria for EcoVadis Medals:

Companies must meet, minimum score of 30 in each of the four sustainability themes.

A company may be ineligible for a medal if they have any of the below 360° Watch Findings:

  • 1 severe (SEV) finding in any theme
  • 1 or more major (MAJ) findings in 2 or more themes
  • More than 5 major (MAJ) findings in any single theme
  • Please note more than 25 minor (MIN) findings in any single theme is considered a severe (SEV) finding* and 5 or more minor (MIN) findings in any single theme is considered a major (MAJ) finding*.


EcoVadis is a platform that provides sustainability ratings and assessments for companies. The EcoVadis assessment process evaluates a company's performance in various sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) areas. The goal is to assess and promote sustainable business practices. Here is a general overview of the EcoVadis assessment process:

  1. 1.Registration and Documentation Submission
  2. 2.Ecovadis questionnaire
  3. 3.Expert analysis
  4. 4.Results

Qdot top professional consultants provide guidance throughout the process, to complete the assessment.