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What is NIST Compliance?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is a security standard developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that is widely used around the world. It provides guidance and recommendations for organizations to effectively manage and decrease the risk of cyber-attacks.

IST800-53 and NIST800-171 are security standards created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to enhance the protection of sensitive data for organizations.

The framework is based on established standards, guidelines, and best practices in the field of cybersecurity. By following the CSF guidelines, companies can enhance their ability to protect against cyber threats.

Core Functions

  • Identify: This involves understanding and managing cybersecurity risks by identifying the assets, systems, and data that need protection.
  • Protect: This function focuses on implementing safeguards and measures to prevent or minimize the impact of cyber-attacks.
  • Detect: Organizations should have systems and processes in place to detect and promptly respond to cybersecurity incidents.
  • Respond: This function involves taking appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of a cyber-attack and restore normal operations.
  • Recover: After an incident, organizations need to recover and restore their systems and operations to normal functioning.
  • NIST800-53 is a compliance strategy for federal information systems that provides guidelines for advanced security measures. It follows a three-tier impact framework. NIST800-171, on the other hand, applies to contractors working with the U.S. government and handling Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

    Key Benefits of NIST Certification:

  • Increased customer trust: NIST Compliance demonstrates a commitment to security, earning customer trust and confidence in handling their data.
  • Legal compliance: Meeting NIST800-53 &800-171 requirements helps avoid costly fines and penalties associated with data breaches, proving adherence to proper procedures.
  • Access to government contracts: NIST Compliance create preference for businesses working with the U.S. government, enabling opportunities for government contracts.
  • Cultivating a compliance-oriented culture: NIST Compliance establishes a culture of compliance, ensuring up-to-date and well-maintained security measures for a secure IT infrastructure.

NIST Compliance is applicable for all businesses, regardless of their size or industry. It guarantees that your organization is secure and compliant with regulations. The Compliance with NIST guidelines is also known as NIST CERTIFICATION.

Qdot top professional consultants will provide guidance throughout the entire process of NIST CERTIFICATION, starting from the initial steps to the final stage till CERTIFICATION of NIST is done.

2015 Quality Management System (QMS).

2015 Environmental Management System (EMS).

2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&S).

2018 Food Safety Management System (FSMS).

Food Safety Management System.

Food Safety System Certification.


Food Safety System Standard.

Management System Standard Certification.


Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

2010 – Guidance on Social Responsibility.

2018, Facility Management System.

Anti Bribery Management System

Social Accountability Standard

2007 – Security Management Systems for Supply Chain.

2018 – Energy Management System

2014 – Asset Management System

2018 – Quality Management System for Customer Satisfaction

2010 – QMS for Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries

2009 – QMS for Automotive Industry.

QMS for Aerospace Industry.

2017 – Guidelines for Quality Management in Projects

Business Continuity Management System

ISO 38500 Certification

2012 – Inspection Bodies Management System

ISO 17025 – Laboratory Management System

IRCA Lead Auditor Courses

Internal Auditor Courses

ISO Awareness Trainings.

ECAS Registration.

SASO|SABER – Certificate of Conformity.


EQM – Emirates Quality Mark.

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