World Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is a globally recognized independent certification program and non-profit organization that promotes ethical and responsible manufacturing practices. WRAP focuses on ensuring that factories, production facilities, and businesses meet specific standards related to labor, health and safety, environmental protection, and legal compliance.
The WRAP certification process involves an evaluation of a facility's compliance with the 12 WRAP Principles, which cover areas such as:
Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations: Facilities must adhere to local, national, and international labor laws and regulations.
Prohibition of Forced Labor: Forced or compulsory labor is strictly prohibited.
Prohibition of Child Labor: Employment of workers below the legal working age is not allowed.
Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse: Workers should be treated with respect and dignity, free from any form of harassment or abuse.
Compensation and Benefits: Workers should receive fair wages and benefits as per legal requirements.
Hours of Work: Facilities should adhere to legal limits on working hours and provide adequate rest periods.
Prohibition of Discrimination: Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other factors is not allowed.
Health and Safety: Facilities must provide a safe and healthy working environment for employees.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Workers have the right to freely associate and bargain collectively.
Environment: Facilities should take measures to minimize their environmental impact and promote sustainability.
Customs Compliance: Facilities must comply with customs laws and regulations.
Security: Measures should be in place to ensure the security of the facility and its employees.
By achieving WRAP certification, a facility demonstrates its commitment to responsible manufacturing practices. The certification is based on independent audits conducted by WRAP-accredited certification bodies. WRAP-certified factories and businesses are recognized for their adherence to ethical standards and responsible practices throughout their supply chains.